Medical Trials - My Medic Watch

Medical Trials

Research with My Medic Watch

Research trials conducted at the National Facility for Human Robot Interaction Research at the University of NSW, have shown accuracy of our patented algorithm.

Find the publication on the following link: Effectiveness of a Smartwatch App in Detecting Induced Falls: Observational Study (PDF). Published in JMIR Formative Research, 21.03.2022.

Study conducted at UNSW. More information here: Validation study of My Medic Watch’s fall detection algorithm that helped to build scientific credibility and user confidence. Watch the video.

We are amongst the first companies in the world to conduct medical trials in this field. Currently we are conducting two medical trials at St Vincent’s and Westmead Hospitals to measure the accuracy of alerting caregivers, in the detection of falls and detection when a seizure occurs.

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Medical Trials
To Be Published Soon

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